ZimPI at the 22nd Commonwealth Law Conference 2021
By Stella Wutete
Photo: Panganai Sithole, Board Member of ZimPI, at the ZimPI sponsored 2019 Matebeleland National Healing eve
Photo: In the Charter House office of Hon Engineer Oliver Chidawu, Minister for Provincial Affairs and Devolu
Photo: In October 2019 Hon Helen Clark was guest of Honour at the University of Zimbabwe at the FairGo4Kids l
By Stella Wutete
Daniel J K Zimyana, representing The Tree House Club Trust, and Tamuka Hove, representing Butete Technology Trust, played a prominent role in the continent-wide African Union Youth Leaders Model United Nations Conference in Addis Ababa on August 24-30, 2021.
The Moving Forward Together for Peace with Justice Initiative seeks to use Peacebuilding as a tool to bring Zimbabweans together and resolving their intergenerational challenges as one society by incorporating the traditional values of Ubuntu.
PO Box A671
Sydney South NSW 1235
Email: info@zic.com.au
Phone: +61 418 312 301
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